Aquatic Therapy Can Help Your Back Pain

Are you experiencing back pain? You may have previously tried land-based exercises to treat the issue, but are you wondering if there is something more that can be done? Aquatic therapy may be your solution. Research supports that aquatic therapy is effective in the treatment of back pain. The warmth and buoyancy of the water combined with the elimination of gravity eases pressure on joints and muscles. A study at the University of Wisconsin found that aquatic therapy was a positive way to improve flexibility and sleep patterns and reduce muscle and joint pain in middle aged and older adults with a history of orthopedic limitations and discomfort.

Another study tested whether aquatic therapy was more effective in treating chronic low back pain compared to land-based exercises. Two groups of patients with chronic low back pain were compared. One group participated in pool-based exercises for a month, while the other group did exercises given by a Physical Therapist at home for a month.

While there was a “significant improvement after treatment in both groups (1),” the statistical analysis revealed that the improvement was significantly greater amongst the patients that participated in the aquatic exercise group.

At Motion Physical Therapy, we not only offer aquatic therapy treatment and exercises, but we have services in place to ensure your comfort while being treated. These services and benefits include:

  • Your own individual pool tank area, with easy access and no steps or ladders
  • Hydro Track underwater treadmill
  • Water temperature adjustments (89 to 92 degrees)

If you are interested in starting aquatic treatment for your back pain today, please contact Motion Physical Therapy at 281-881-7099, and ask about our aquatic therapy programs. Our hope is for you to being your journey to pain relief in an environment comfortable and suitable to your needs.


1. Taylor & Thornburg Physical Therapy. (n.d.) Physical Therapy in Oakland for Lower Back. Retrieved October 25, 2015.

2. Roper, Jaimie A., Eadric Bressel, and Mark D. Tillman. “Acute aquatic treadmill exercise improves gait and pain in people with knee osteoarthritis.” Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 94.3 (2013): 419-425.

3. Greene, Nicholas P., et al. “Comparative efficacy of water and land treadmill training for overweight or obese adults.” Med Sci Sports Exerc 41.9 (2009): 1808-1815.

4. Suomi, Rory, and Douglas Collier. “Effects of arthritis exercise programs on functional fitness and perceived activities of daily living measures in older adults with arthritis.” Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 84.11 (2013): 1589-1594.
